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October 1, 2019 7-8 pm

Prayer for Peace Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse

150 French Road 14618

Join us as we lead a prayer for healing the broken and broken-hearted Body of Christ, and all people. May both our silence and our petitions join with the cries of heaven to bring peace to our times and our world today.

Certain Women 04/12/2019

7 pm Friday Evening Church of the Assumption

Come join us at Church of the Assumption on Friday April 12th to honor the lives of the Church Women of El Salvador who were martyred sharing the Good News. Your life will forever be changed when you learn of their stories and their faith journeys.

Thank you Maura, Ita, Dorothy and Jean!


“Certain Women” – 10.30.2018


Tuesday, October 30th, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

St. John the Evangelist Church (of Peace of Christ Parish)

549 Humboldt Street in Rochester, NY

This is the story of the four American Church women killed in El Salvador on December 2, 1980.  This will be 2 weeks after Archbishop Oscar Romero is officially declared a saint. 

This evening will also honor Mary McGuire, a Woman of the Well who urged us to create this program; she had been a parishioner at St. John’s.

The program for “Certain Women” can be found here.